Helping makes you happy!

Where There’s A Will is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that helps people with special needs reach life-making goals.

If you want to help, please do. All donations are tax deductible.

Not easy. Not fast. Not impossible!

Not easy. Not fast. Not impossible!

Yes, it’s harder for people with special needs to do the things most of us take for granted. It’s more expensive too. Think herculean effort, all day, every day. But one glorious day, success does come and new goals begin. Where There’s A Will is privileged to be part of so many goals come true.

What makes us different.

What makes us different.

Where There’s A Will is exceedingly practical. Of course, we’d love to send everyone to Disney (we really would!) but what we want more is to help people with special needs achieve greater independence. If they have the will, we’ll help them find the way.

“For nothing will be impossible with God.”

– Luke 1:37

Help those who want to help themselves.

We ask everyone for help.

Any day is the perfect day to start.

The Will behind the way.

Thank you Uncle Bill for inspiring Where There’s A Will. You’ve been there since day one caring, helping and making life better.

“There are no medications today that will stop her seizures.”

Where There’s A Will helps Delaney.

Delaney and her family found a way to reduce anxiety and increase safety with the help of seizure-alert dog Lynx. This 12-year-old girl has cerebral palsy and epilepsy that medications have failed to control. Her greatest fear is being alone during a seizure. It took many years of saving and sacrifice to raise the money needed to get Delaney a seizure-alert dog. This specially-trained dog gives Delaney comfort and safety when a seizure strikes. Now, her nights are more restful and her days are more productive. Having “advance warning” of a seizure has also improved the life of this family … they found a way!

“Don’t count on her reading or writing much.”

Where There’s A Will helps Catie.

This 12-year-old girl had a stroke as a baby and was injured in her left mid-brain. Medical ways to describe her condition include hemiplegia, cerebral palsy, exotropia. She has limited us of her right hand and her right foot vexes her coordination. Still, she is very active and capable. Catie’s vision challenges, called cortical visual impairment, make it difficult to see and concentrate. Many experts felt she’d never read. Today, thanks to extensive one-on-one teaching, specialized course materials and love, Catie is learning to both read and write.

“Even a short getaway is an extreme challenge.”

Where There’s A Will helps Sam and Margaret.

Taking two kids with special needs on vacation is both challenging and expensive. Where There’s A Will was able to help this very deserving family enjoy a weekend away by offsetting the cost of a 24-hour aide to assist with daily living activities and safety needs.